Monday, July 30, 2012

Picnics and Phantoms and Dark Knights, Oh My!

What a week! Monday I got to enjoy the beautiful weather with my coworkers as we went to the Dublin Castle gardens for a nice picnic. Brian put on sunscreen and they all agreed that it was very sunny outside. I thought that was funny because I didn’t think they would get much tan from that. I also found out that they didn’t realize that the garden has a cool Celtic design in it because they hadn’t seen it from above. I guess that’s what happens when you’re a local, sometimes you don’t see the cool things around you because you’re used to it being there or you didn’t explore it because it was touristy. Honestly that makes me wonder what cool things might be hiding in VB.
Tuesday, I went with Raleigh and Adam to see the Phantom of the Opera. I’m not going to lie, we were the only ones willing to pay a somewhat expensive price for good seats for this show, but after just the first 5 minutes, I knew it was worth it. We dressed up to go and see it and met at this vegetarian restaurant (called Cornucopia) for a quick dinner right beforehand. The restaurant was actually really good because it had interesting combinations of veggies and everything was very fresh. If you haven’t seen a performance of Phantom, you may not want to read the rest of this paragraph because I’m going to spoil some of the awesomeness. The first scene, since it’s in present day, but meant to be black and white, had a screen over the bidding of the antiques. Then, when they illuminate the chandelier, the sheet over it disappeared and the main theme music started as the chandelier rose in the air and the lights flashed, synchronized with the music. Obviously, all of the music was amazing and the singers were fantastic. But I already had all of this memorized. So the biggest shock for me was the extravagant set and props. WHAT A SET! Everything was ridiculously ornate and amazingly mobile. Literally, the set would fall away before your eyes into another scene, in probably about less than a minute. In fact, the transitions were seamless. The most epic part was the entrance into the Phantom’s lair. Moving from her private prep room with the Phantom leading her through the mirror, this large circular structure came on stage and moved around. They walked through the top part, then walked down the outside on stairs that emerged out of the wall and receded as they were descending. Then the boat emerged and they rode that across the stage. As that was happening, the circular prop rotated and split open, revealing his private bedroom inside. It was AMAZING! This circular structure was used often, with little rooms on the side and opening with completely different scenes within. Man, what Opera Viva could do with an unlimited set budget like they obviously had for this! It was incredible! There were also pyrotechnics, with the phantom throwing mini bombs at Raoul in the cemetery, etc. It was such an exhilarating performance, better than the movie (which I love, so that’s saying something).
Wednesday, I met Elizabeth for lunch again and we enjoyed the beautiful weather in St. Stephen’s Green again. I really like this park, it is such a pretty park. That afternoon, the boys wanted to go to see the Dark Knight Rises. I really wanted to see that movie, so I met them right after work and we saw it in quite possibly the largest movie theatre I’ve been in. It was huge! I will say, it had the restrooms inside so you wouldn’t have to leave the actual room and try to get back in if you didn’t bring your ticket, so that’s a smart way to set up the theatre. I won’t ruin the movie for anyone who saw it, but it was really awesome! So, Adam and Raleigh are now my epic show buddies, haha. Then I came home and made more of my cookies because I had leftovers of the ingredients and there are two birthdays this weekend. Of course, the three batches I made were demolished before they ever really got to see the light of day. But that’s ok, it was fun to make stuff for everyone. So this week was quite spectacular!
Elizabeth and I - bus buddies!

Adam, Raleigh and I at Phantom!

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