Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Viking's Abode

As some of you may know, I don’t have much flight experience. I have flown almost the same amount outside of the US as I have inside the US (one round trip in China and India), which shows how few times I’ve flown. So, I am a bit worried about flying alone only because if something were to go wrong, I’m not completely sure I will know how to correct it. Anyways, the first leg of my flight to Boston went really smoothly. As the plane was heading to the runway, the large family came out to the fence to wave us off. It was really cute, the little girls were in sundresses and waving energetically like little kids often do. A funny thing that happened: it seems that a packet of vanilla wafers had been lodged somewhere near my seat so that when we took off, it fell to the floor. After asking everyone around me if it belonged to them, I decided to keep it. But when my brother and I tried some, they were really stale. So it seems they were hidden somewhere for a long time…don’t know if that’s a good thing or not, but I got free stale cookies out of it. The transfer flight started off fine, we were heading to the runway when the plane just went off to the side and stopped. It seemed that Boston had some storms and so the airport told flights not to fly. We arrived an hour and 20 minutes late, though fortunately I wasn’t in a hurry. Alex and his friend, Dan, met me and we headed to his apartment. Then we went to dinner with his Christian fellowship, about half of whom I had met once (or twice) before. It was nice meeting everyone, especially since I didn’t know that I would see any of them again after graduation. Later on, some of us watched Mrs. Doubtfire – an excellent movie, it’s so funny that I laugh every time.
            What do Vikings eat? Bacon, of course. So that’s what we ate for breakfast while introducing his roommate to some of our favorite Celtic music. I then got to go to Alex’s band’s rehearsal. I think I finally figured out how to correctly put earplugs in my ears because it wasn’t too loud (I think). It was nice to see Alex in the music making process. After that, we messed around for the day and went to his friend’s place for a movie – Aliens (sequel to Alien). I don’t really like scary movies but fortunately this one was somewhat predictable, though still really nasty when you think about it. We met another one of his friends later and then called it a night.
            Sunday, we went to church. God is really awesome and I love His timeliness. It appears that the sermon series they were going through was “Undone” – a series focusing on heavy topics like grief, etc and how their power was ‘undone’ through Christ. Well, they just happened to save ‘loneliness’ for today.  Not that I am lonely right now, but this is certainly something I think I will have to face at some point on this trip only because it looks like my commute and perhaps at other times I will have to be alone. This perfect alignment of sermon series has happened many a time and I think that it is so cool how God lines it up so that the one you need happens right when you need it. After church, we wanted to go to this burger place that was featured on man vs. food, but it was too far away to make it there and the airport on time. So we went to Popeye’s instead. I have to say, I’ve always considered Popeye’s to be not good for some reason, perhaps because it’s the wannabe KFC but I’m not sure why. Anyways, it actually turned out to be pretty good. Then we headed to the airport. The line for tsa was ridiculously long, but when I finally got up there, they just had me walk through the metal detector and I was done. Kind of too fast, but fine by me. As I sat waiting for the plane to board, I befriended a little girl going to Moldova (I think that’s what she said – I forgot). She was cute and had a stuffed dog she played with. That was a nice way to pass the time.

The many faces of Alex

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